Children of the '80's: Remember "Choose Your Own Adventure" books?
YAY! They're coming back!
(I bookmarked this a few days ago and I forget where I originally saw it and I'm very fastidious about giving credit where credit is due, so a thousand apologies...)
I LOVED these books when I was a kid. I remember the turmoil of trying to decide which page I turned to next. Why this was such a tremendous issue, I don't know, because I always inevitably read every possible combination and twist. 42 possible endings? I had to read every single one.
Seriously, read the story about their return. Very cool interview...a powerful example that you have to have good marketing behind whatever you try to sell.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Triumphant Return of Indecision
Posted by MoxieMamaKC at 2:02 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ketchup Time
Hello, Constant Reader!
Sorry for the unexplained blog-cation...I meant to write during my week off from work (precious, precious time between Darling's 5th birthday and the first day of Kindergarten), but low and behold, the week zipped by and there I sat with a Google Reader at the 1,000+ New Items point. (I *MIGHT* have skimmed through some, but I promise that I totally read whatever you wrote!)
So, let me ketch you up....
Things Moxie learned on her 9 day stay-cation:
Do not attempt to spray glitter on fairy wings on a windy day unless you WANT to look like Tinkerbell's whore.
I CAN get sick of leftover hot dogs
Screw the holidays, stay-cations where you do what you want to do, when you want is where it is AT!!! The best, most relaxing va-ca ever!
The Narnia exhibit at Union Station was AWESOME!!! Slightly heavy on the Disney-ness of the movie making stuff, but they had some great CS Lewis paraphenalia...
The Lego Exhibit at Crown Center is awesome!!
Kalideoscope is still incredibly awesome and Fritz's train restaraunt is still overpriced crappy food...
The Butterfly Exhibit at Powell Gardens was VERY cool...
So was their splash fountain!
One of the cutest things about Darling is that she always has to "stop and smell the flowers". Whether it's the grocery store or a random sidewalk, she must take a second and enjoy them. At Powell Gardens, that got a bit out of hand...
All in all, it was a great vacation. Maybe we slept too late and played too much Pretty, Pretty Princess, but it was fun...
It all led up to the big day...First Day of Kindergarten...I only turned into Sobby McWeepypants for a minute or two...
Long and short of it all, Moxie's back and super plus dedicated to bringing you more tales from our stay-cation adventures.
So, I'm back and promise to get back to giving you wonderfully insightful, thought-provoking blog comments (umm...yeah, 'cause I've always done that, right?)
pppssst: If you are in KC this weekend, The Toy and Miniature Museum is offering free admission this Sat. Aug 29th. I've ALWAYS wanted to go so I'm a little excited. Storytime, balloon animals, face painting, what could be more fun for little kids? (I know, a lot, but still).
Posted by MoxieMamaKC at 11:59 AM 5 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hot Dog Buffet Suggestions?
Since hot dogs are one of Darling's favorite things (Mama's also), we're planning on doing a Build Your Own Hot Dog bar for her birthday.
I need suggestions for some fun hot dog toppings...things for both adults and kids (but not neccessarily both).
Here's what I got so far:
Regular Mustard
Spicy Mustard
Cheese (grated)
Rotel dip
I'm serving chips, pasta salad, veggie tray and fruit basket with it.
What am I missing?
What's your favorite hot dog topping?
Posted by MoxieMamaKC at 12:44 PM 16 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Biting my tongue and biding my time...
So, MIL is in town. I'm really, really grateful that she is here for the week to watch Darling in that No Man's Land of Vacation between summer camp and the first day of school.
Darling's 5th Birthday is also on Saturday so she's been helping us out a lot to get ready. Darling wanted a Tinkerbell birthday party so part of the fun is decorating fairy wings (girls) and pirate chests (boys). This requires a lot of homemade prep work for 16 pairs of wings and 10 cardboard boxes transformed into pirate chests. A LOT of work because I apparently enjoy doing things the hard way and my alpha-craft mom thing emerged.
Have I mentioned that I'm really f'in' grateful for my MIL?
Because I am.
What is driving me nuts is HER.
I'm going to rephrase that...
She's only been here 3 days and has made it clear that:
1. I can't cook so she makes dinner. Which I find rather amusing because I'VE certainly never mixed raw cabbage, carrots and Jell-O together nor have I served noodles and veggies so over-cooked they turn to tasteless mush.
2. I'm incapable of brushing my daughter's hair. I don't brush her thin, fine, curly-if-it-isn't-brushed-when-wet hair after bathtime. Hello! Split ends!! I won't budge on this. My hair is the same way and I've survived 32.5 years relatively split end free.
3. I am completely unreasonable when it comes to marital discussions. My grandparents had a pretty good rule: It's not your marriage, keep your mouth shut and let them work it out. It's worked well in family relationships for over 33 years. My parents employ this rule as well. My MIL did not get the memo. Handsome and I had differing opinions on a detail of the upcoming party. As oldest children, we sometimes don't want to budge. I don't need MIL to tell me her son is completely right (he's not) and I'm an idiot. Handsome and I have been working out details for almost 13 years without her help. None is needed now.
So, please, dearest Constant Reader, pray for me that I don't stick a fairy wand where it doesn't belong between now and Saturday?
thx bai...
Posted by MoxieMamaKC at 10:11 AM 10 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
KC Komen Walk: A Pictoral
Yesterday was the KC Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and it was an incredibly hot day. Despite that, Darling, Handsome, Mother in Law and I did the 5k Walk (like I could run that distance!) I raced in the memory of Handsome's Aunt/Godmother who passed away January 2008 and in celebration of my favorite docent at the museum who has survived for almost 5 years and counting. (I wore a special sheet saying "I run in celebration of _____" and gave it to my docent after the race yesterday and she almost cried. I was kind of surprised how touched she was...)
Having done the St. Louis Walk in June, I had a few thoughts.
There were 68,000 people (I think) in St. Louis. There were 28,000 in KC. Parking-wise, St. Louis and their MetroLink light rail whooped our 2 mile back up on I-70. STL was a lot more organized than KC.
In STL, there were people standing in the middle of the street handing out paper cups of water with trash cans near by. In KC, you were supposed to refill your water bottle from volunteers with gallon jugs and there were no misting stations. KC: Big Time Fail.
None of the businesses in Crown Center or Union Station were open after the race. This sucked. BUT, the free give away area in KC was set up MUCH better than in STL which was a major crunched-up mess-fest.
KC had a much more interesting walk route. Better scenery, better bands to play music along the way (Everything from jazzy blues to rockabilly to classic rock to alternative rock). More happier volunteers even though it was a lot hotter yesterday...Our Survivor's Walk (around the fountain in front of Union Station) was a lot more moving and special for the Survivors.
Despite my bitching about logistics, it was a lot more enjoyable overall in KC, but maybe I'm biased.
Here's some random pics from the day, please excuse the crappy photography but I was sweating, walking and more focused on climbing the hills. Starting off early in Union Station.
Darling was NOT exactly enthusiastic to be up that early after a week at Grandma's...
There were some really great bands along the way...
This little boy's shirt broke my heart...
Darling was really impressed with the giant shopping cart...
Why does the WWI Museum have to look like a giant penis???
The splash fountains at Crown Center? Darling was ready for that!!!
Handsome has been growing out his hair for a year and a half in order to donate it to Beautiful Lengths, in memory of his aunt. Yesterday, after the Komen Walk, he finally cut it.
I'm relieved....and a little sad...and yes, I know...that is a lot of hair and yes it did all come from him.
Posted by MoxieMamaKC at 8:47 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Not on the Recommended Reading List
I saw this list of Children's Books That Will Never Exist over on Parent Dish.
I laughed out loud on a couple of these...
Some of my favs:
~ A Beginner's Guide To Running With Scissors
~ Clïfford The Big Red Communist
~ Immanuel Kant: On Recess
~ Oh, The Things You'd Better Not Do If You Want To See A Dime of Your Inheritance
~ The Little Engine That Could, But Only If It Takes Its Ritalin
~ True Crime Stories: Of Stolen Lunch-Money
~ Richard Scarry's Wonderful World Under the Bathroom Sink
and of course, the one I'm sure Darling has gotten her hands on:
~ Temper Tantrums Made Easy
Check out the list, it's hilarious for anyone who is into classic kiddie lit.
Posted by MoxieMamaKC at 10:56 AM 3 comments