Thursday, January 15, 2009

In poor inaugural taste....

I don't care what your politics are, I think it's horrible that Obama is planning the most expensive inauguration in history.

Shame on you! The economy is in utter collapse, and average Americans and their tax dollars are footing a big chunk of the bill. I'm irritated. What happened to all the rhetoric of personal fiscal responsibility and budget management?

Granted, this is probably the biggest election day since Lincoln's, but even he kept it smaller. Lincoln literally had to sneak into Washington because there was an assassination plotted on his planned train between Springfield, IL and DC.

C'mon, Obama, I have high hopes for you, but what would FDR do?


Kansas Sity Sinic said...


I am getting really sick of the Obama/Lincoln comparisons.

Read "Team Of Rivals" and you'll agree.

Anonymous said...

For the most part I agree, considering the current economy it is a tad hypocritical to drp all that ching on the party.

But there is part of my brain that really wants to credit BO an d his team with a little more sense. I think the people coming from all over the country expect to be part of something big. To many it will be THE moment in history that they have lived thru.

I can forgive this, as long as the administration is more responsible with my damn money from here out.

Hyperblogal said...

I'm tickled to death that Obama was elected, but, unfortunately it doesn't change the basic fact of Washington politics. There is only one party anymore and that is the party of the incumbency. Put a Rep and a Dem in the same room without labels and watch them talk to lobbyists.... no difference. I still have high hopes that O-Man can start to change things but he's up against huge money that builds walls around the status quo.

FletcherDodge said...

Don't worry Moxie, Obama is paying for it himself with all of the extra "hope" he's creating.

Now that's change we can believe in!

kcmeesha said...

i don't think 'bo' is his favorite abbreviation

Anonymous said...

Part of that cost is due to the fact that two million people are expected, while you couldn't get twenty Rabid Retarded Republican Housewives alone in one room for either of Bush's lovefests.

Stacey K said...

I understand the expense, but wish they had taken a different tactic, since the economy is so bad.

So many people are coming, and it's an event that the entire world will be watching, so they feel the need to do it big.

Still, a stronger statement would have been to scale is down and announce that while the economy was hurting so much he didn't feel like this was a good use of money.

Anonymous said...

Ok, some facts....which each inauguration, you have to figure inflation,etc. Up until this inauguration, Bush's 2nd one was the most expensive. I bet a lot of people didn't know that. Just do a little "google" research and you will see. But ask yourself, Why did Bush need to spend all that money for his 2nd time around when we were in the middle of a war? That should appall everyone! And why indeed did he need to spend millions of dollars for his 2nd inauguration? Obama has raised 1/3 of the necessary funds from private donations. The other 2/3 is required for security for the surrounding states. Let's not heap all the blame on the Democrats or Obama.

kcmeesha said...

why not heap the blame on democrats and Obama? 4 years ago we had war but some of us had 401k's, more people lived in houses and drove cars they couldn't afford- they were happy. now we are in CRISIS. also it's too late to be appalled at stuff that happened 4 years ago and is the right time to bitch about what happens now.

btl said...

I was in a hurry earlier and posted as anonymous; not one to not sign my "name", I'm back. m.v.; let me make sure I understand, before Obama is even in office you are blaming him for the loss of 401K's and the state of our economy? So like Democrat bashers.....all blame without taking any responsibility for their part of what has happened in our country for the past 8 years. The usual "blame game". What happened to working together for the good of our country. Seems to me the "losing party" is more interested in the failure of this administration than the best interests of the citizens and country.

kcmeesha said...

BTL, you extrapolate too much-in this particular case I was talking about a state of affairs in the country now and four years ago without assigning the blame (not that I don't assign blame but this time I didn't intend to). I personally convinced that "working together" is rhetoric bullshit, but I am not interested in anything failing, since I live here and that would be against my own interests.

Anonymous said...

"Ok, some facts."

Don't ever let the facts get in the way of a good rant....

btl said...

m.v.: Democrat bashers ARE interested in seeing Obama and this administration fail. After all, they have had to feel responsible for Bush and the state of our economy for 8 years if they are honest with themselves. Misery loves company and the failure of this new administration is exactly what people like you are hoping for, so then you can say "told you so". Your comment managed to say a whole lot of nothing.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Obama, but not for this kind of inaugural stupidity. He claims to be all about change, but this is just more of the same wasteful spending and misguided priorities.

We have countless millions struggling in poverty, without adequate housing, food, or healthcare.

The inauguration should be quick, simple, private, and cheap, not just another excuse to party while those less-fortunate continue to suffer.