Friday, July 11, 2008

I know my ABC's...

A is for age. 31
B is for Burger of Choice. I'm going with the Lew Burger at Lew's Bar and Grill. It's perfect. Honorable mention goes to Red Robin and Westport Flea Market...
C is for Car. A silver Ford Focus. Sensible, reliable and cheap.
D is for daughters. I have the greatest little gal ever. I can't believe she's going to be 4 in another month or so.
E is for essential item you use every day. Cell phone. Which is constantly ringing.
F is for favorite tv show. No question about it. Mad Men on AMC. Brilliant and Season 2 starts July 27. But I also like "30 Days" and "Cities of the Underground"
G is for groceries. I'm currently in a cooking rut, relying on the easy, well-worn recipes. I need to shake it up a bit and hit the store with a list of ingredients. I did just discover a new recipe blog A Year of Crockpotting. Interesting stuff.
H is for how often you embarrass yourself. That's pretty hard to do, even though I'm semi-klutzy...
I is for ice cream. Foo's Fabulous Frozen Yogurt...Turtle Concrete.
J is for juice. I'm not a huge juice freak, but Darling's on a big Mango Juice kick right now, so that means I am too.
K is for kids. One beautiful little daughter.
L is for Lipstick. I have never found lipstick that looks remotely decent on me. But, I can't live without my kiwi lipgloss.
M is for Mexican food. I love it. My favorite is probably Manny's for "real Mexican" but I also love Chipotle (is it weird to crave cilantro rice?)
N is for number of piercings. 3 in my ears (one in the cartiledge)
O is for Optometry. Contacts. I'm blind.
P is for People You Were With Today. Co-workers, then hopefully tonight my hubby, daughter and my BFF. I'm dying to meet her 2 new Great Dane puppies.
Q is for Quiet Time. This is essential for my mental health. I love the 8:30 to 11 pm slot in my day. Darling's asleep and Handsome isn't home from rehearsal yet. Just Moxie time.
R is for Biggest Regret. I'm not sure I really have any that are too serious.
S is for sports you play. I played softball for my college team and taught Red Cross swimming for 11 years, but I like most sports.
T is for tattoo. None. Needles kind of freak me out a bit, so does searing pain. But if I ever did get one, it would be a Celtic Trinity Knot.
U is for what is unique about you. Probably my fear of garden gnomes, the fact that when I'm pissed, I curse in German, and that I can read Tarot cards scarily well.
V is for Vegetables you Love. I love veggies in all forms. My iron must be low because I'm craving beets, red cabbage and a spinach salad.
X is for number of x rays. Just one when I broke my arm falling on ice when I was 13.
Y is for Yummy Food you ate today. So far, just a Pop Tart. But I'm gearing up for lunchtime. Maybe a little Sweet Tomatoes for my veggie fix?
Z is for Zodiac. My zodiac signs are split. I was born on the Aries/Taurus cusp and while I'm technically a Taurus, I do have a splendid temper and passion for life.

Check out Average Jane and I, Shane's...pretty interesting memes!


Sizzle said...

Aries/Taurus cusp? When is your birthday? Mine is Apr 18!