Monday, May 5, 2008

Say, May....Where did April go?

Seriously. It just hit me that it's May 5th (Happy Cinco de Mayo!) How did that happen? Where did the entire month of April go? I blinked it away apparently.

I went back and started looking over my calendar. What did I do that entire month? Way too much. I don't sit still very well. Handsome, Darling and I are all "Let's go" kind of people. We've always lived life full speed ahead.

So what did I do?

~ Survived 2 visits from my Mother in law

~ Got a "little" intoxicated at the Royals Home Opener (and the next night in the George Brett Suite). Damn free beer, what's a Moxie to do but drink it if it beckons?

~ Was a better person than my brother in law and didn't punch him in his smug "I'm SO much better than the rest of you" face (which proves I'm better than him).

~ Went on a Ghost Hunting Tour

~ Worked every day but 3

~ Survived Corporate Meetings that I was REALLY nervous about

~ Remembered why I don't drink wine with a very old, very dear friend of ours (after 9 years, you'd think I'd learn my lesson)

~ Turned 31 years old

~ Enjoyed one of the best birthday nights out with Handsome. (He did SO good this year!)

~ Saw 3 different theatre shows

~ Survived two birtday parties for kids that turned 3

~ Saw my very first Civil War battle reenactment complete with blackpowder firing cannons and a shed that got blew up on Sunday at the Mahaffie Stagecoach Museum (I HAVE to go back there soon!)

~ Visited the Psychic Fair and realized that yes, yes it really was lame and why, why don't I ever remember this and stop wasting money?

~ Coordinated and executed one really teriffic, totally awesome special event at my main place of employment

~ Inspired historical fascination to otherwise bored college kids (Wishful thinking. I hate Sunday afternoon college class tours at the museum.)

~ Flew a kite not once, but twice with Darling

~ Helped her conquer her fears of spiders, ants and climbing the tower of her swingset

~ Consoled her poor little broken heart when Gus "went to the doctor" (See previous posts)

~ Consoled the now ex-girlfriend of Savior Brother In Law and her poor broken heart

~ Found my inner peace (It was in the couch cushions, wouldn't you know it? It's always the last place you look)

Whew! No wonder I'm so tired. May's shaping up to be the same whirlwind carnival ride that April was. Look out, June, here I come!


kcmeesha said...

busy month, I didn't make it to the war this time.I heard the shots though.