Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I guess I suck as an Obama Mama

I know Darling's only 4, but I took this Parenting Quiz: How do you stack up against Michelle and Barack?

Now I long for the carefree days of the "At least my daughter isn't getting wasted at frat parties" Bush era parenting.

Sure, Darling feeds/waters BullyKat, but I'm not sure she's ready for the litter box.

I can barely get her vegetable choices to stray outside of broccoli, califlower, french fries and lettuce, let alone organic carrots.

Considering the fact that Darling is a night owl like her Daddy, and we usually have to scrape her out of bed in the mornings, I'm not sure she'll be ready for an alarm clock in Kindergarten or falling asleep by 8 pm. But 8:30 is close, right?

I do read to her every night. She isn't ready for Harry Potter yet, but we read, damn it, there is HOPE !


Stacey K said...

I got 4 points. Not all for the same kid - 4 if I count the different things each of them do.

I join the Suck as an Obama Mama club.

Anonymous said...

Gag me with a spoon. Could they have kissed Obama butt any harder?

I scored a big 4 too - guess that makes me NOT a liberal, thank God.